Original artwork by Heather Gilion at Story Designs. This reproduction of Story Designs' original painting of this Charles Spurgeon quote is available in an 8x10 and 11x14, printed on fine art paper.
“I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”
-Charles Spurgeon
It is one of those quotes that stop me in my tracks. It makes me look at my life, where I've come, where I’m going, what I've endured and it instantly reminds me of the way that suffering has led me to my Rock unlike any. other. thing.
When the waves come crashing in, if He has allowed the rising of the current and the stormy waters, may we trust that God has a plan. Can we trust... even thank Him for the very thing that brings us to Him? I say it all the time, we NEED Him. We always NEED Him but when we get that we NEED Him to survive, that's when the pride of self and control and my me-centered world collides with the Truth... I can't make it in this world without Him. And if that takes waves, then bring the waves. For if it leads us to Him, that is LIFE worth living... that leads us to the only sure thing in this world--The Rock that will not move, does not change, and is our refuge and safe place come what may.
Maybe today you can see the real gifts that are right in front of you. He doesn't waste a thing!
*Shipped flat to protect print.
*Each print ordered comes in individual, plastic sleeve for protection.
*Artwork signed